Meet the Netherland Dwarfs of Breadbox

RETIRED Titan | Broken Chestnut Buck | Son of Odin | Quiet and Dapper

RETIRED Dior | Chinchilla Doe | Daughter of Delilah | Emotional and Fancy

RETIRED Magnolia | Broken Blue Fox Doe | Daughter of Fella | The Queen

Cloud | Chinchilla Doe | Daughter of Savannah | Confident and Patient

Vera | Black Otter Doe | Daughter of Roxanne | Calm and Classy

Fay | Broken Fox Doe | Daughter of Fiona | Patient and Particular

Noor | Blue Silver Martin Doe | Daughter of Zelda | Stunning and Shy

Marshmallow | Broken Lilac Fox Doe | Daughter of Coco Chanel | Reserved and Regal

Savannah | Black Otter Doe | Daughter of Delilah | Nurturing and Relaxed

Kimchi | Fawn Doe | Daughter of Magnolia | High Strung and Delicate

Odin | Black Otter Buck | Son of Ishmael | Thicc Boi

Apollo | Fawn Buck | Confident and Charming

Black Bear | Self Black Doe | Daughter of Blackberry | Outgoing and Intelligent

RETIRED Hershey's Kiss | Chocolate Otter Buck | Son of Hershey | Chill Ladies Man

Rowan | Broken Opal Doe | Daughter of Delilah | Tiny but Mighty

RETIRED Adeline | Broken Tort Doe | Daughter of Fella | Hilarious and Messy

RETIRED | Delilah | Broken Chestnut Doe | Daughter of Sasha | Cheerful and Lazy

RETIRED | Simone | Broken Chinchilla Doe | Daughter of Sasha | Shy and Sweet

RETIRED | Sienna | Self Chocolate Doe | Daughter of Coco Chanel | Quirky and Easy Going

RETIRED | Esme | Broken Blue Fox Doe | Daughter of Evelyn | Quiet and Confident

RETIRED Fiona | Broken Fox Doe | Daughter of Fella | Large and Sassy

RETIRED Roxanne | Chinchilla Doe | Daughter of Simone | Quiet and Chunky

RETIRED Zelda | Blue Silver Fox Doe | Ice Queen

RETIRED Blackberry | Self Black Doe | Daughter of Blueberry | Quirky and Active

RETIRED Coco Chanel | Broken Chocolate Doe | Confident and Sassy

Marilyn | Broken Fawn Doe | Daughter of Magnolia | Fancy and Kind

Galilea | Chinchilla Doe | Daughter of Serafina | Space Nugget

Haven | Broken Opal Doe | Daughter of Rowan | Blissfully Chill

Pop | Orange Doe | Daughter of Marshmallow | Quaint Sidekick

Pooh Bear | Orange Doe | Daughter of Dior | Affectionate and Relaxed