Breadbox is an Urban Homestead located in Chapel Hill, NC

Thinking about adding pet rabbits to your life?
Head over to our Rabbit Care page to explore what it will be like living with rabbits. We discuss all the details you want to know about, like cages and play yard set ups, litter box training, nutrition, and healthcare expenses. We couldn’t help adding some fun things too! Learn how to bake your own rabbit treats, check out the most fashionable bunny teepee beds and hay feeders, and spoil your buns by building them a rabbit mansion.
Our Mission
Breadbox’s mission is to guide our community in learning to be better stewards of the land. We draw on compassion and humbleness in making decisions for our relationship to Earth and the interconnected ecosystems we live and breathe in. We are passionate about researching sustainable living practices for urban and suburban communities.
Robin started this project out of a desire to learn about her own relationship to Earth and growing roots. Our “homestead collective” has grown to many voices, many hands and hearts, but the guiding principle has stayed the same. Join us as we learn together.
Our Rabbits
Breadbox Rabbitry specializes in show quality Netherland Dwarf rabbits with fantastic temperament. Many of our rabbits are adopted as companion animals and therapy pets. We are a part of both the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) as well as the American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club (ANDRC), and are active in the show world. Our focus is both on the genetic health and continued excellence of the Netherland Dwarf breed from an aesthetic perspective. Read more about their temperament on our blog.
We are passionate about educating others about rabbit care, health, and happiness. Our goal is to share the joy and healing rabbits have brought to our family while promoting responsible pet ownership and a deeper understanding of how humans and animals can benefit each other.
WARNING: Rabbits are adorable and addictive. Breadbox Farm cannot be held legally responsible for the following:
You collecting a large rabbit family that outnumbers your actual family
You replacing your social media network with an Instagram for bun
The extra room you will need in your next home for bun(s)
The immense amount of rabbit accessories you will spoil bun with over the next decade
You ignoring your husband and children because you are out planting your greenhouse garden so that bun can have fresh organic greens all year round
You’ve found a special rabbit, brought them home, equipped their living space with everything and anything their little bunny heart may desire…now what? If you have never had a pet rabbit before, this is going to be a new adventure full of surprises! Rabbits have very different body language and habits than other common house pets, like cats and dogs.